Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Power of Groovy: Finding all mappings in an ODI 12c project

For a groovy script I needed a list of all mappings in a project. So far I only had to retrieve lists of objects from just one folder, but for this script I needed them all. My first thought was to look for a findByProject method for the IMappingFinder class, but for some reason all findByProject methods need an additional parameter like the folder name. Funnily there is a findByProject which only takes a project code in the IOdiPackageFinder class.

My first thought was very procedural: lets do it do old fashioned way and create a class which will traverse the folder tree of a project and build a list of all the mappings. The class I built looks like this:
import oracle.odi.domain.mapping.Mapping
import oracle.odi.domain.mapping.finder.IMappingFinder
import oracle.odi.domain.project.OdiProject

 *  A class to find all Mapping objects within a project
 *  All folders are traversed recursively and the mappings are returned in a collection.
class FindMappings {
    def private allMappings = null

    def processProject(odiInstance, projectCode) {
        def odiProjectsList = (odiInstance.getTransactionalEntityManager().getFinder(OdiProject.class).findByCode(projectCode))

        odiProjectsList.each { p ->
            def odiFoldersList = p.getFolders()
            odiFoldersList.each { f ->
                /* process interfaces of the current folder */
                this.listMappings(odiInstance, p.getCode(), f.getName())
                /* Process sub folders recursively */
                this.processSubFolder(odiInstance, f, p.getCode())

        return (allMappings)

    def private listMappings(odiInstance, projectCode, folderName) {
        def mappingList = ((IMappingFinder) odiInstance.getTransactionalEntityManager().getFinder(Mapping.class)).findByProject(projectCode, folderName)

        if (allMappings == null) {
            allMappings = mappingList
        } else {
            allMappings = allMappings + mappingList

    /* given an odiInstance, folder and project code, we will parse all subfolders (recursively) and print the name of all interfaces found at all levels*/

    def private processSubFolder(odiInstance, Folder, projectCode) {
        def subFolderList = Folder.getSubFolders()

        if (subFolderList.size() != 0) {
            subFolderList.each { s ->
                /* process interfaces of the current folder */
                this.listMappings(odiInstance, projectCode, s.getName())
                /* Process sub folders recursively */
                this.processSubFolder(odiInstance, s, projectCode)
The entry point is the processProject method which we pass a project code. The result is a collection of mappings.

I felt a bit unsatisfied by the result, although it works well I kept thinking there must be a better way to do this. Being fairly new to groovy I have not yet had the opportunity the get to know all the ins and outs of the language, but when I was looking at the documentation for collections I got thinking if I could rewrite the class to a few lines of code, and indeed it is possible.

As I mentioned before there is no findByProject method in the IMappingFinder class, however it does inherit a findAll method from its parent. So we can find all mappings in a repository as follows:
def mappingList = ((IMappingFinder) odiInstance.getTransactionalEntityManager().getFinder(Mapping.class)).findAll()
Now we’ve got a list of all mappings in the repository, but I only want the mappings in a specific project. We can select these by using the collection and object methods in combination with closures. The resulting find will look like this:
def mappingList = ((IMappingFinder) odiInstance.getTransactionalEntityManager().getFinder(Mapping.class)).findAll().findAll{w -> w.getProject().getCode() == '<projectCode>'}

This one line of code does the same as the class does I built first.

Slightly rewritten to make it a bit more readable, it could look like this:
def tme = odiInstance.getTransactionalEntityManager()            // Shortcut to transaction manager
def fm = ((IMappingFinder) tme.getFinder(Mapping.class))         // shorcut to Find Mapping

def mappingList = fm.findAll().findAll{w -> w.getProject().getCode() == '<projectCode>'}

We can keep on chaining these commands together like:
// Find all mappings in project DEMO which start with 'DEM'
def mappingList = fm.findAll().findAll { w -> w.getProject().getCode() == 'DEMO' }.findAll {w -> w.getName()[0..2] == 'DEM'}

// Find all mappings in project DEMO which name contains STG
def mappingList = fm.findAll().findAll { w -> w.getProject().getCode() == 'DEMO' }.findAll {w -> w.getName().contains('STG')}

Amazing power.